No longer standing still: The CGL is being reestablished

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Since 2001, the Center for Garden Art and Landscape Architecture (CGL) has existed as an interdisciplinary institution at Leibniz University Hannover (LUH). In 2009, it was recognized as an independent research center and is affiliated with the Institute of Landscape Architecture within the discipline. Its co-founder and director was Prof. Dr. em. Joachim Wolschke-Bulmahn. With his retirement two years ago and the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic, the CGL became somewhat quieter. In the meantime, LUH has appointed Dr. Inken Formann to the professorship. Together with the new managing director, Elisabeth Weymann, Prof. Dr. Inken Formann aims to breathe new life into the CGL and strategically realign certain aspects of it.

The CGL is closely linked to the Chair of the History of Landscape Architecture and Garden Conservation. It connects interdisciplinary research and teaching, highlighting excellence in the research fields of historical garden art and landscape architecture, as well as modern and contemporary open space and environmental planning. By linking the past and present at the Herrenhausen location, at the intersection of urban planning and architecture, it occupies a unique position among comparable research institutions in Europe.

The CGL continues on this path. Furthermore, its goals are qualitatively developed by placing a stronger emphasis on the importance of cultural heritage and strengthening the role of garden conservation within the themes. Thus, the CGL bridges the gap between historical manifestations of garden culture and contemporary practices of preservation, maintenance, and the demands dictated by climate change. The center will also continue to focus on young garden historical and conservation research, archives, and sources, as well as promoting young talent.

In addition to the academic exploration of historical and contemporary garden art and landscape planning, the CGL disseminates its findings to the public through conferences, colloquia, workshops, exhibitions with brochures, and publications (CGL-Studies). It also leverages synergies with numerous partners. The reach of the CGL will be expanded in the future through a presence on social media.

Published by E. W.