Book Launch + Panel Discussion

Informal Urbanization in Latin America - Collaborative Transformations of Public Spaces

Since many decades designers have tried to improve informal settlements. Did they make a difference? And if, what worked?

The book Informal Urbanization in Latin America by Christian Werthmann (published by Routledge) investigates prevailing strategies for addressing informal settlements by tactically and collaboratively improving public spaces, infrastructure and facilities. The cases in this book range from one micro intervention (the Villa Tranquila Project in Buenos Aires) to three large-scale government-run projects: the celebrated Favela Bairro Program in Rio de Janeiro, the social housing program in São Paulo and the famous Proyectos Urbanos Integrales Approach in Medellín. The long-term observation of these cases reveals the potency as well as the volatility of these efforts, and offers guidance for a new generation of designers. Christian Werthmann will introduce his new book in form of a panel discussion with Flavio Janches (Buenos Aires), Fernando de Mello Franco (São Paulo), Adriana Larangeira (Rio de Janeiro) and Alejandro Echeverri (Medellín). The whole session will be moderated by John Beardsley (Washington DC).

We are looking forward to an inspiring discussion and interested viewers live on YouTube: